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Update on the Dark Relations Comic by Killerwolf1020

So as some of you may have noticed. I have been uploading some pictures of new and old characters form Dark Relations my long and overdue promise of a comic.

I would just like to let everyone know that Dark Relations is still in production. Its script is being written out now and has hit around 75ish + pages segmented in 3 chapters so far. I am not sure how long this comic will be as I am only at a turning point in the comic.

For the most part the story is the same:

Jason a boarder collie is getting together with his first boyfriend. The boyfriend, named Khoal, Jason met over an online dating site and a pron site. They were online dating for 3 months prior to their meet at a Si-fi and fantasy convention and had begun a good lovely beginning. But soon Jason realizes that Khoal is not all he said he was and will soon find that he might be in for a long dark road.

The comic, i decided will be completely free to view but donations are welcomed.

It's going to be gay the all way with some interesting twists.

I am also revamping the character sheets of all the characters. So be sure to look for the characters new looks. Some of them just need a new picture though so they might not have any changes.

You may or may not see some of the characters like Amour, Claymour, Zevran or Daniel in the actual comic. They may make appearances but you will see more of them in little sketches and stuff maybe even side stories if I ever make them focusing on the other relationships of the characters.

If you have any questions feel free to ask

Update on the Dark Relations Comic


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