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PostyBirb and Scheduled Uploads by Isuna

Since some of you know I'm for the second time a mommy (not a mummy, even if I look like one recently XD), I kinda find it hard to keep up with posting art every now and then. And since I already filled one sketchbook and am half way through another one PLUS I had tons of old digital pieces still lying around, I decided to use a tool to help me now.

Somehow I stumbled across PostyBirb, which is still in beta but runs pretty stable for me, and now I'm scheduling my uploads on 5 different websites for November and December.
I will still be around to answer on comments and so on. But I find it really helpful to manage my submissions like this in just one tool. :)

I'm still working on other pieces and in the new year I might end up with just one upload a week, due to reallife reasons. ^.^
But you'll now get to see a new piece now and then.

Thank you to the developers of PostyBirb, who make my life as a mom and artist so much easier! <3 <3 <3

Posted using PostyBirb

PostyBirb and Scheduled Uploads


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