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Block Button Abuse by Fr0stbit3

Whats the deal with furries abusing the block button?

Isnt it there to block people from harassment? Last time I checked favoriting art wasnt considered harassment.
And if you consider it harassment, then fuck you.

Block Button Abuse


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    I am sorry that strangers on FA caused you so much trouble, you do good works and over the years that I have lurked and followed you I have never really seen a reason for others to dislike or avoid you. FA is a weird site sometimes. I once won a YCH of my dragoness, I was polite to the artist, I paid promptly, I gave proper references. Then when the piece was done I went to fave the image and to thank the artist only to discover that I could do neither, it was as if the artist just posted the finished YCH and then immediately blocked me. I was not rude, I was the perfect customer, I did nothing wrong to my knowledge, it was the oddest thing ever.

    Was my character ugly? Was the artist upset that the auction sold too cheap? What did I do wrong? I will never know because I couldn't even note the author to ask. It was just like "Here's your dragoness, don't thank me, don't fave it, don't talk to me, never interact with me again!" I never forgot that experience because it felt like I did something terribly wrong even though from my perspective all I did was pay and share a reference image for their template. Far as I can tell they even deleted the upload a shot time later, I guess they were in a hurry to erase and forget me. So yeah I was blocked too and I'll never even know why.. It sucks.

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      This actually happened here on Weasyl.

      You gotta love furry artist. People that think their shit don't stink and they control everything. They act like high school brats.