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The Website is Live! ... again. by ThatMarchingBunny

It's been a while!
Heyo everyone! It’s been quite a while hasn’t it? My goodness, it’s already October! Coming close to the end of 2018. There is much to discuss. So much, that I may need to separate this into multiple posts. In fact, that is exactly what I will do.

Ok, so first off, what has this little cabbit been up to? Well, even though commissions have been closed I did end up accepting some from a few people. One of them will be released on Monday. Hope you look forward to that :3. Plus, I have also been working on my new website. So actually, let’s really get into that one first. AKA, let’s get the boring stuff out of the way first.

The Previous Site
The previous website I had, there were some issues with it that I was pretty unhappy about. Both with how I had it set up and with the host. For the technical people out there, they had a limit on database accesses that seemed low. So, at times while editing the site, the database would reach this limit and then I would have to go into the dashboard to reset it. On top of that issue, the site felt pretty sluggish. Worst website host experience I have ever had. (For those wondering Award Space is what they are called).

Anyway, I moved to Digital Ocean. They are actually not a web host at all, they are a virtual private server host (they call them droplets). Now what this means is that instead of having someone run the server for me, I am running it myself. It’s a lot cheaper too, plus I have none of those problems I listed above and, it’s a much more flexible solution that will allow me to make upgrades to the server pretty easily if I ever need to. Plus, it’s also nice to host a Minecraft server when I need it.

The Reveal
So now, it’s time for the reveal. You can head on over to and check out the new website. I have gone for something far simpler this time. Navigating the site should be a breeze. Sometimes the first load of each page will take a bit more time than it normally will because it has to build its cache. But after that, it should be super snappy.

When you first enter, it will ask for you to confirm you are above the age of 18. This is a precaution I am taking because the artwork I do is for sure what I would consider mature. I want to make sure anyone who stumbles across this site will be warned before they enter. Plus, after that, there will be a confirmation on accepting cookies. Hosting a website seems to always get more complicated as time goes on when it comes to various laws and complying with them. I even have a privacy policy explaining all the types of information the site stores. Such as cookies and commission info.

The site should also be pretty responsive. So, it should, for the most part, look fine no matter what device you view the site on, maybe with the exception of 4k resolutions.
I think this should do. You can take a look around, but it’s mostly just a place I can store my artwork without worry of just being taken down like a few have on DeviantArt. If you run into any problems on the site, let me know. There is even a nifty contact form you can use right on the site. :3

The next post should be coming in about 30 minutes. Next up, changes to my posting method.

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The Website is Live! ... again.


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