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Titles are fuck. I back. by Moved Accounts...

After having spent a lot of time producing artwork but not really posting anything, I think I'm back at a point where I can start committing to my online presence again.

With focusing my artstyle(s) and techniques a bit, developing my work ethic, and being in need of some commish money, I'm getting back in gear here with Weasyl and my other sites. Hoping I can finally curate a decent art collection and build some sort of brand for myself, like I always wanted.

The only real change going forward is that I will no longer be posting any art relating to my big comic project, TSoF (that's the one with the lemurs and goatmonkeys). I'm focusing on the writing aspect of the project now, and do not want art to get in the way of that as it has been previously. In essence, by cutting that out of my online presence for now, I'm hoping I can keep my artstyle and gallery more consistent. Considering how disparate the project is from my more typical work, I think this is a good sacrifice to make. I will not be retroactively removing TSoF stuff I previously uploaded.

So, with that said, my more immediate goals are:

  1. Start developing "The Dust" as an actual comic project.
  2. Play around more with the generic world my (previously unheard of) fursona inhabits.
  3. Get serious about commissions.

This is a note for myself more than anything else. A reminder to get my freakin ass in gear.

Titles are fuck. I back.

Moved Accounts...

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    I was getting worried that you where drifting away from the art and community or self goal you had, but it looks like your back for a while longer at least.

    Im a bit saddened but understanding of your removal of time from the original comic. I digged the designs and characters but I could tell it was not gonna be an easy thing to work on with how long you where hitting it and with other life factors. Sounds like someones in the mood to make a portfolio for themselves. Your aiming high for something magical.

    I'd say welcome back, but you have been working even if off site. I personally purchased a tablet and am going to be learning concept design, I'm hanging up my 3d dreams to design things and understand the worlds I want to build.

    Heres to endless pens becoming the swords of dreams.