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I'm not going to be online much the next 2 weeks by KikoJaharo

I just got back from a short camping trip, but I still have KhaoticKon this weekend, and Bellecon the weekend after that. A few days ago, a pipe in the bathroom next to my room burst, flooding half my room. My room has mold in it now, but I was quick enough to catch the pipe before anything molded, so I was able to move most of my stuff over to Kira's house. I saves all of the stuff for my business, but I can't say the same for my personal stuff. With two cons coming up, the business is more important, lol.

I'm stuck working at Kira's house, which doesn’t really have any good working space, so I'm going to be working my butt off to get stuff ready for the cons. I'm going to try and avoid the computers aside from maybe when I wake up and right before sleep. I get a text whenever I sell something in the store, so they're be no delay on that. If anyone needs to contact me, send a note, I'll notice that first.

I'm not going to be online much the next 2 weeks


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