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Updates in my life (there are many) by LarkspurDragon

  1. I have just over two weeks of school left EVER. Then I graduate! HOLY CRAP

    I have one lab report and one lab summary to write, one powerpoint presentation to work on with a partner, an interesting book to finish, and a capstone project to finish up. That will be the end of homework forever! HAHAHAHAHA

  2. I have a very exciting, ambitious knitting project in progress. The only hints I'm giving you is that if you like cephalopods, you should be as excited about this as I am, and that it will be very large.

  3. I ordered my first chest binder from Underworks yesterday, so I'll have something better to wear than a sports bra.

  4. I got an interview with my #1 internship! It's with a nature center in East central Minnesota (so not too far away) and my job would include teaching kids about nature (my favorite thing), training the education animals (also my favorite thing), and learning about wildlife rehabilitation (also my favorite thing!) HEEEEE

    I'm driving up for the interview on Thursday-Friday, plus I'll get a tour of the facility and sit in on some of their classes.

Updates in my life (there are many)


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