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✿~In The Swing of Things!~✿ by taala

Hello again all! I just wanted to make another update around my current plans with my art, as well as a few bits and pieces from my life in general.

Firstly, I made a Ko-fi~! It's a wonderful platform that let's people donate in smaller amounts, as well as allows content creators another platform to put their stuff on for followers. So keep an eye on that page, it'll be the first place I'll be putting out my project ideas!

Secondly, I am clearing my backlog to the best of my ability. In places where I can not do the work, I have offered a refund. If you are part of this backlog list: and wish to be refunded, please contact me: I'm also starting up other initiatives such as adopts & YCHs so I can support myself as a full time commission artist again.

And finally, I am okay. I am in a safe, good place, and I have plenty of friends and family who are looking out for me. However, I have decided to post out my more dark, emotional artworks as a way of self expression. Keeping up a bubbly appearance at all times can be a bit exhausting, and I want people to know that I'm a multi-faceted artist, who creates from many places, not just the positive ones. Through these artworks, I get to engage and then let go of rougher emotions. So please, do let me know if you'd like any content warnings and such with art I've already posted. Thank you.
Thank you again, all of you, for everything. *:・゚✧💜

  • Tammy/Taala

✿~In The Swing of Things!~✿


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