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Moving Update, Apology for Continued Absence by Mykell Wildfire

Hiyas peeps!

Just wanted to drop a quick line on here now that I can and have a free moment.  First, I'm sorry for the extended silence and lack of work and such.  As I've mentioned, we've been in the process of moving and it's been hell all around.  Conflicting work schedules, my father's license being suspended, my drug-addict brother being both unhelpful and unreliable, etc. 

With limited able-hands to perform the move, things have been hectic and exhausting.  We've mostly moved into the new place, but there's still quite a bit of unpacking to do.  On top of that, we aren't done with the old house yet as junk still needs to get thrown away and a few things still need to make it to the new place.  I hope we can get all of that stuff finished by tomorrow.

In any case, most of my weekend from work has been spent on the move.  With any luck, it will all be finished by next week and I can finally relax and get back to a decent schedule to work on commissions.  Again, I'm sorry it's taken so long, but we're almost there.

Thanks for being patient <3 <3

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Moving Update, Apology for Continued Absence

Mykell Wildfire

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