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to much is to much by chibisake

I am not gonna talk much about the Boston bombing. It is very sad and yet I am unaffected by it. My heart goes out to all who where involved but this is such a frequent thing not I can no longer be shocked. We truly are a monstrous race on this planet. To this I add how Maryland is getting a new tax nicked named the rain tax which taxes run off on your property. The highest of which will be in Baltimore city. This will also effect non profit organizations like my job at the humane society and churches. Granted if you live in the counties it will be slightly cheaper. Along with this our gas tax will rise and our sales tax will raise making it harder and harder to make a living unless of course your rich.

Well I had my physical done today and boy was I thrown for a loop. The exam went fine however I got a tetnis shot and blood drawn all in the same day and in the same arm. My left arm hurts so bad at the moment not to mention they took I think 5 viles of blood. I was not expecting all this with my medical condition it sorta makes any side effects form vaccinations worse then what a normal person would feel. Thankfully I have off tomorrow but I can't sleep right now I feel yuck.

On a good note I did get to spend the day with my love and after the doctors we went to lunch at tea by two and headed to whitemarsh mall where I got a new anime. I really want the mlp rainbow dash key chain and get the derpy one for my friend at work whom I got to watch the show. I also picked up some really nice tank tops at target since my rue 21 had the crappy ones. All and all it has been a good day just wish I felt better.

Tomorrow I have to do one more medical test which I perfer not to say what it is and then I will be good until August and september when it begins again. After I do my test I am just gonna chill I was informed a former manager of mine works at the shoprite kleins across the street should I feel up to it I may go for a visit.

to much is to much


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