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I need help deciding what to do with my life by Uriyuki

I have so many things that I want to do with my life. I want to be a Language Arts teacher for 6th graders in a school here or in Denver, Colorado. I want to teach English in a Japanese elementary school or in a high school. The problem here is that I'm learning Spanish, not Japanese, and my school has no Japanese classes, otherwise, I'd be learning Japanese. I want to teach English in Chile, which is where my Spanish knowledge comes in handy. I want to be a school bus driver (because I just love buses and have a specific bus that I want to drive). I want to be a truck driver (because I love trucks and even have 2 options for the truck that I want to drive). I used to want to create my own music, but now I just play drums for fun since I can't read music. I wanted to take a gap year before college, but when I told my mom she COMPLETELY disagreed and right now I'm kinda wanting to go directly to college to major in teaching middle-high schoolers. I want to create an Eco-friendly home on my own to help save money on gas, lights, and electricity, but that'll take a really long time and I'm no contractor or architect in any way. I wanted to move to Idaho and help my fur son and his husband with any projects that they'd like to do. I really wanted to buy an old school bus and fix it up as a hobby. I really do want to stay in Gwinnett County because it's a nice county to teach in. I want to become a computer programmer and work with either Apple or Microsoft to program computers and write new software programs for some future hardware. A few years ago, I wanted to go to see the International Space Station and help create ways for NASA to make everyday travel into outerspace for normal citizens possible.

There's just so much that I want to do with my life and so little options to fill my time with. I just need help deciding what I want to do with my life. I am interested in teaching English in Japan (Nagoya, Japan to be exact) and I am reeeeeeeeally interested in the truck and school bus driving. I am in need of some serious help.

I need help deciding what to do with my life


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