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updates, work, cons, and stuff by Lilly_Opossum

Ok, cause it feels like it has been sometime since I did a good update on current opossum news, I think that it's time to do one.

Ok, so, If you follow me on twitter, then you know that I'm going to Rain Furrest this year, come hell or high water I'm going. But yeah, this will be my first con and everything. I will going with some of my furry friends, and staying with them. I will be there to meet people and stuff like that, but I am also going to be offering photo shoots and stuff, namely for fursuiters, I will also be there suiting to, no, it's not an opossum suit, just a fox character that I'm messing around with. So yeah. I will put more info up about the photo shoots and how to find me and all that closer to the con.

Onto projects. I'm still taking photos and all, but work is kinda getting in the way, but I'm still working on it and learning to use my new camera. I am still writing and drawing when I have time, though all most all my free time goes to games, there are so many good ones out at the moment. Etrian Odyssey 4, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Castlevaina. But I'm working on a big project at the moment, Dark Hearts. Its something that I'm doing to try and write something a little darker, practice darker story lines and things like that.

Lastly. Work. It's a bitch. And, you know people talk about furrys being full of drama and all that. Man the people that I work with can put some of the best furry drama to shame with some of the shit that's going on there. And the worst part of it, I get drug into it just cause I'm there. Rumors and shit fly like mad, people are arguing all most all the time, and there is even talk of law suits and stuff like that.

Annnnnnnny way, that's all for the opossum news.

updates, work, cons, and stuff


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