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Indiegogo? by Python Blue

About a week ago, I managed to sell a keyboard I don't use anymore for $950. Two days ago, I also went to a career fair hosted by my college, in which I gave my resume over to Apple in the possibility of getting a music-related position at my local Apple Store in the future.

Still, the distant future is relatively unworthy of attention right now. In the present and the near future, I am struggling with two papers due next week, and the next semester may involve losing my campus job for the reason of not taking a full load of courses (if I pass the ones I'm in, now, I only need one more to graduate with an associate's degree).

All of this uncertainty in mind, combined with my musical interests, I am considering starting an Indiegogo campaign for my next release, for which I do have some ideas already. Not Kickstarter because, for one, that site has an all-or-nothing funding policy only. My question to those of you who follow me is; do you think crowdfunding is a good idea, and if so, would you donate from what you've heard of my music?

Thank you for reading.


Python Blue

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