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Breaking the silence. by Sertimus

Hey all,

So I'm finally updating my journal after what appears to have been forever since I updated my last one, and for that I apologize. 2017 has been a very rocky year for art, especially life. There's a lot of places where I could possibly start with this journal. There were some good things that happened, some that were bad things and some that were in-between. I'd say that overall, though, this year has been rather bittersweet.

More obligations have piled up since the past year and keeping up with the rapid changes in social climate has been especially daunting. Keeping up with my schoolwork has been especially difficult, even when given enough time to do it. I've been working a lot slower than usual and I get tired out mentally a lot easier than before. I have been very noncommunicative around others earlier in the year and I feel that this has alienated some of my friends and colleagues. Not to mention, this has affected my overall productivity outside of schoolwork, including with art.

And for these aforementioned reasons (and possibly more), I believe that I have not been myself lately. I am sorry. Now that the bad stuff is out of the way, the brighter side:

I don't have a job yet, but I have been seeing an increase in opportunities lately. I'm now doing an apprenticeship program at a local confectionery store and I have another job opening that I'm possibly being hooked up with. I can't say much about it. I'll see what happens. I've also started a personal training program at a gym nearby me. The workouts are high in intensity, but have been doing wonders for me. I feel like I'm in better control of myself than before.

Also gamesss. Of the video kind. I've mostly been buying some PC games over Steam. :P Sonic Mania is most likely my fav of 2017. I also got a Switch around October, I like it very much. I only have a few games on it, and only one of them is an online multiplayer title (ARMS). Other than that, I'm only letting those I know well enough add me on their friend lists (so that it doesn't get too cluttered). If you seem to be one of those folks, feel free to shoot me a note and I'll give you my code. :>

So that's the whole state of affairs. Before I end this journal, I would also like to make another update with regards to my gallery: Yes, it will be updated this month. I will be dumping sketches on here starting this Christmas Day, tomorrow. ETA is not exact; I may be doing this either in the afternoon or evening, Eastern Standard Time. Either way, this has been long overdue. I hope you all are having a Merry Christmas Eve, or if you don't celebrate Christmas, a Happy Holidays. :>

~ Sertimus

Breaking the silence.


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