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Emergency Commission Situation

TLDR: My dog tore her other ACL. The surgery costs $3,500-$4,000, most of which I do not have. I am opening emergency commissions in hopes that folks will help lend a hand in trade for my art. Email me at with further questions or if you are interested in a commission.

So I am reopening for emergency commissions again. Some people may remember I had to open for them way back in March due to my cat having to go through numerous tests and such to determine that he had IBS. Those tests and procedures costed my family about $4000 in the end. He is now stable and we’ve got him on the lowest dose of steroids possible and he is thriving just as he was before then.

Some people may also remember that before that (in Octobe 2016) I had to pay $3,600 for my dog’s torn ACL. The doctor said that there was a 60% chance that the other ACL would tear. Between then and now I purchased the only insurance that would cover the second ACL if we were able to hold out until a year after the surgery… we did not get that lucky. In the meantime, we had her “benign” tumor removed when she needed her dental cleaning (which was $1000 or so due to the anesthesia maintenance).

So we took my dog to the vet and they confirmed that it was her other ACL and that we had two choices; one being a TPLO which was the same surgery she originally had (that would cost about $4,000) or the TTA which could possibly cost less if she was a candidate. The surgeon was supposed to call us back to tell us if she was eligible for the TTA on Wednesday, but he failed to do so and is now out until next Wednesday (9.27). We are currently playing the waiting game to see which procedure will be recommended and affordable, but I am fully expecting to have to pay between $3,500-$,4000… most of which I do not have right now. I fortunately have Care Credit and am able to put it on that card, but it MUST be paid within 6 months or I get charged for every bit of interest in that 6 months and forward.

So I am opening emergency commissions in hopes that some people will give me a hand! I will also be working 9-16 hour shifts at my job. On weekends I will be able to work on art heavily while I am at work, but there may be delays on weekdays. If you are able to donate (even a dollar) or if you like my artwork and would like to commission me, please do so! If you can do nothing, please pray for me. I am only 21 and after this surgery I will have spent $12,000 in less than 365 days. I am struggling to move forward with my life due to these financial troubles.

P.S., if anyone is concerned about insurance - as soon as I can afford it I will be switching my pets to ASPCA’s accident and illness unlimited coverage plan. They won’t cover many of our former struggles, but hopefully this prevents future unrelated financial struggles.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. You are welcome to email me at with any questions, comments, or concerns. This is also the point of contact for commissions.

Commission prices can be found here:



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