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Sneaky Wife!!! by Pizza Wolf

:iconsharpe19: here sneaking onto Pizza's account cause he totally left it open XD While you are at work my dear I am announcing to the world just how amazing you are. Every day knowing you has been an adventure that I will never forget <3 You help me when I'm going through Hell, even snagging icecream along the way. You bring light into my world even when it seems at its dreariest. I have never been more happy in my life and I have you to thank for that. You make me laugh when I want to cry, smile when I am down, support all my crazy antics and even join in on them. You are one in a million and you work hard at what you love and stand strong in what you believe in. You're stubborn and sarcastic, unforgettable and unbelievable. I would never have made it as far as I have without your love and support.

I hope you get a smile out of this when you read it, and a chuckle when you realize.. I've hacked your facebook page, FA, and DA TOO!!!!

Love you so very much <3

Sneaky Wife!!!

Pizza Wolf

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