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Lastik is thinking.. and smoke alarms go off.. by Lastik

First of all I'm peeved. I'm a Necromancer fan boy ever since D2 and usually play that class whenever it's available in whatever game it pops up (which granted, it's not often). Obviously I got the necromancer expansion for D3 as soon as it was available on my ps4, but I still can't play it. WHY MUST YOU TEASE ME SO?! I'm at work so I'll chalk it up to launch issues and being a EUscum. Still pisses me off to have the receipt, the addon marked as installed and when I go to create the character it's greyed out and says the content isn't availalble or has expired.

More importantly and the main reason I created this jornal. I've been thinking of creating an alternate identity to post my SFW stuff. The reason for this is that people are buttholes in regards to lewds (though none have been so directly to me), thinking that somehow lewds are lesser or magically take less effort or skill than non-lewds. Some simply don't want to associate with lewd blogs/galleries because they themselves don't run one and don't want that sort of content to show up (which is fair, you should always have full control about what shows up on your gallery/ blog). Point is, it makes interaction between people harder.

The downside to this is that I would be splitting my already piss poor output between two galleries, and what's more, I don't know if I want people to connect between the two galleries because again, assholes.

Lastik is thinking.. and smoke alarms go off..


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