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June Updates by Uruboros

I got lazy with journals again. I've mostly been working and having fun with friends.

May seemed to go by pretty quickly. I did have a 10-year class reunion for high school that I went to. In high school, I focused 110% on studying after my sophomore year, so I didn't make a ton of friends or do much extra things outside of quiz competitions. I was a very different person back then, and I'm glad I've changed in a lot of positive ways when it comes to exploring interests and trying to have at least a few close friends. Still, it was nice to see some people I knew and catch up with them.

In writing, I'm still working on an MLP story. I don't have a definite release date, but things are coming along nicely with it. Maybe I could release it this month or in July if all goes well.

In art, I'm trying to revamp and do some ref sheets of my 'sonas and OCs, but I may put that on hold and prepare a few simple pieces to sell at an MLP convention I'll be attending in July. I feel nervous about trying that, but it would definitely help me grow.

In other hobbies, I'm doing the Spartan Sprint in a few weeks. I feel like I've been lazy at running, but all my other workouts have been at least decent. Hopefully I do better than last time. I'm also hoping to hike more mountains this month, but it's also a crazy busy month with stuff happening almost every weekend.

In games, I've been playing Yooka Laylee a little when I have more time or trying to beat Touhou's extra bosses when I have less time. I've beaten a couple so that's actually going quite well.

So if I ever seem busy or distracted, now you know a small part of why that is. You can still chat with me on Discord, but my patience and mood may vary.

June Updates


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