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Some sad news by TheScatterbrain

Maia and I have decided to discontinue Rebound (and B.I.B.L.E. as we know it I guess).

It's been a long time coming. If you're a smarter person than me, maybe you've written it off as dead long ago. I've been struggling to get back to it, but in the meantime 5 years have passed, we've gotten older (and a bit wiser hopefully), our attentions have shifted and there are a lot of things about B.I.B.L.E. we're not very happy about anymore.
While I've struggled and repeatedly disappeared, the project has, understandably, died to Maia, and it's only through angry stubbornness that I've held onto it. Everyone who knows me well knows that I'm an extremely stubborn person, sometimes stupidly so. Sometimes you really need to give up.

I don't have some positive silver lining, or a plan for what's going to happen next. I feel like someone has died and I'm not sure if I've ever been more sad about anything in my entire life.

I don't think Maia and I will ever stop working together on creative things, but maybe we want to do different things right now. Maia is very much a fantasy kind of writer and I am less so. I've known Maia since I was thirteen, she's one of my favorite people in this world and we've always been inspiring each other.

Also the B.I.B.L.E. universe and our characters aren't dead to me. Even if we're killing Rebound, maybe I'll do something new in the universe, maybe I'll refactor it into something else. I don't know.

Maybe I'm just not meant to do comics anymore. Maybe I need to move on from that too. It's been a big part of my identity that I'm someone who draws comics, but drawing comics is ridiculously hard and I'm not the super determined person I used to be. I completely broke five years ago and I've been grieving over that ever since and trying to fix it, but maybe it's never going to happen. I don't know.

We're both so grateful for all the people who've supported us through the years, you're the best! You've made this thing fun, I've had so many funny, stupid conversations over this comic. And you've always been nice but critical, and I really appreciate that, that's how you learn things.

If any of you want to talk about this or just wanna chat or follow whatever I'm doing now you're absolutely welcome to do so. I don't like to give out my skype or stuff like that in public, but you can always ask for it or catch me on my email ( - I'm old and use email a lot) or on Tumblr or DeviantART, which are honestly the only sites I frequent at the moment:


Maia says the same goes for her. You can find her here:


We definitely won't shut down. What's there is there and will stay that way. I don't believe in covering my tracks, that's just kind of rude to everyone who's ever liked the comic and rude to all our own hard work. And as I mentioned earlier, maybe I'll come back to it at some point? Who knows.

We will be shutting down our Patreon, though. No need for that anymore. Thank you so much everyone who has supported us financially as well, I'm especially sorry about this on your behalf. I promise that all money we've scraped together through this will be saved for potential future creative endeavors - we won't use it to drown our sorrows in booze or something.

Thanks for everything and let's hope the future eventually brings less sadness and frustration and instead lets us have fun with what we do again.


Some sad news


Journal Information



  • Link

    Rebound was such a lovely comic. :But okay... I totally respect your choices, and, well I;m pretty sure we all noticed it was getting slower and slower... Damn, I was still a kid when I first started reading... I'm 22 now, haha.

    Well, if that's that settled, just know that it was an amazing comic, and was among my favourites for sure. Kinda sad that it's just ending abruptly, but, if it's what you feel is for the best, then so be it. I wish both of you all the best, and I'll most certainly still be around to see what else you make in the future.

    Thanks for keeping me hooked for so long. :)

    • Link

      While I'm at it, I'd be up for chatting on Skype or anything, maybe not voice much, but alas, it's there. If you'd like to talk there or anything, feel free to PM me your username or something here on Weasyl.

      • Link

        Yeah, it's so weird to think about how much time has passed. When we started I had just gotten out of high school and now I'm 28. It doesn't feel like that long, but then, I've been kind of stuck in life for quite a while.

        Anyway, thanks a lot, and of course you can add me on Skype. I'll send you a pm. It's fine if you're not up for voice chatting because you're not going to get me voice chatting anyway :P I seriously hate talking on the phone or anything that resembles it.

        • Link

          Yeah, it really doesn't feel that long.
          I even looked back to the first page. 2009? I remember reading from the first page up to current, when your comic was first advertised somewhere. It seriously doesn't feel like it's been that long, but now I remember I was in a different house in 2009 when I first read it. Mostly because I shared it to a few friends! It's been such a long time it's unbelievable.

          And yeah, same. I'm really angsty with voice comms. I do it with some people, but not many. I basically never pick up the phone when it rings, haha.

  • Link

    Aw, well that comic was good while it lasted! If you lose interest in a comic project, it's perfectly ok for you to stop. Better to make something you like than to force yourself to work on it. I hope you get out of your funk soon!