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Update (and ill) by Claw-MacKain

Seems I've been ill off and on lately and trying to figure out why, especially since now it's happened again and I'm typing this while my gut is in incredible pain. I've narrowed it down to a single culprit... My water has become toxic and unsafe to drink.

You see, I'm on a well system where I live, so anything that seeps into the ground by way of the rain gets into the well water and affects me and my neighbors... Seems some of my neighbors have been allowing certain substances to seep into the well, making it unsafe to drink. My gut pains are a result of finding this out the hard way. And it's not something you can simply use a water filter for, because I always filter the water before drinking it and I STILL ended up like this...

So I'll be getting back to work when I can. Also seems the badges will have to wait because my drawing tablet is no longer in a usable state and as it's several years old now, it's no longer supported by the manufacturer, meaning I have to order a new one. So I'll do so ASAP and in the meantime when I'm feeling better work on my RPG's gameplay video instead.

Update (and ill)


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