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surprise_graduation.txt by RobotOcelot

So earlier this week I was alerted that I'd graduated, which came to me as a complete surprise, since nobody had hinted to me that I was almost finished. It sort of hit midnight on April 2nd and I was told I didn't have any more classes to take. It didn't help much that the school I've been going to hasn't been very good at communicating with me when it comes to some things. I was actually anticipating it would be a few months later but... here I am. The sudden-ness of it has made it rather hard for me to accept what's going on. I still have some things to sort out before I'm free, but I've basically graduated with my degree in Database Programming.

This month has just so... loaded? And it just started. Not only have I just graduated, but I'm going to be moving out of my parent's house on the 16th, which I've been really excited for. Going to be living with some friends and with the leas split between all of us, it's going to be fairly cheap. Also I need to double-down on cosplay making since I'll be going to Collosalcon this year. Then my birthday is gonna be on the 30th, so that's a thing too. It's busy, but not in a stressful way.

Anyway, it's going to take some time to get my bearings, but when I do, I can hopefully catch up on all that art-doing and communication I've been putting off due to my school load. I'm looking forward to sinking more time into art projects and stuff.



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    Hey, congrats on the graduation! And on the move, too.

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