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Commissions Open - Help me out? by Technologiic

Lately my computer has been crashing more and more. I don't know how much longer it'll last, sadly. So I started looking around and pricing laptops. I found one that I fell in love with- but there's one big problem.

The laptop is $500.

It's a Lenovo G580- with a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5 processor. (As I've heard,. Lenovo is pretty good)

Right now, honestly, I have about $5 in my PayPal, and about $26 in pending transactions on dA.

So let's call it $31.

In order to get the money, since I've applied to several jobs and have yet to hear back, I'm basically relying on commissions. Not to mention, dA isn't helping very much- I will say I've gotten one commission from there, but that's it. I've pretty much left FA, and I don't intend on returning any time soon. Not that the majority of my watchers there cared much.

Any commissions I get, I'd be more than willing to stream for anyone, or privately.

So.. would anyone be willing to help? Just message me or something and I'd be happy to work out a price- I'll also keep a fund-counter type thing on my page, for anyone who would be interested in seeing.

Commissions Open - Help me out?


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