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FC 2017 table+ask me about my characters by GuineaPigDan

Guess I'll finally write an update on things. I had a fun time at Pacific Anthro Weekend last month. It's still pretty small but we had a couple more vendors this year, so it's slowly but surely growing. But anyway, I'd like to announce that I got an artist alley spot at Further Confusion next January. I don't know the table # yet, but I'll have my table on both Friday the 13th (how lucky!) and Saturday the 14th. I'll have to make an updated commission price list soon, and I will be open to taking pre-orders for stuff like badges once I have it posted.

I also applied for a table at BLFC but my application was delayed. I don't know why. Maybe I applied too late? But if I get any updates for that convention, I'll let everyone know about it. But even if I don't get a table there again, I probably will still attend. BLFC 2016 was my first time there and it'd be nice to go and experience it as just a normal con goer without having to stay at a dealer table most of the time.

Also, I saw Yukikitty Yukikitty on fA posted a journal opening up for questions about their characters, and I thought I'd do something similar here. Anyone have any questions about my characters they'd like to ask? Like inspirations for them, personality quirks, or whatever. This should be fun.

FC 2017 table+ask me about my characters


Journal Information
