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December plans by Colamon

Plans for december... well, don't have much but work. Got a job last month, where I mainly design and sketch things or work with clay. Also teaching new workers stuff. Which also puts me up with heckton of extra hours... but the pay is good at least. Although most of it will go at first to pay off some bills and the like since I spent month and half without any money before I got my job... kinda close call, but eh, paperwork getting lost in limbo sucks.

Art classes finished up for this year. Learned bunch of new stuff so far, been trying to find out how to translate 'em to digital side... sorta. Might do streaming sometime soon today to see how it works out. Watch out for announcements!

Other news, my cellphone and digital camera died soon after each other. Then again, I got the camera back in 2006 so it was kinda little old already... And I had gotten the phone back in 2009 I think. Good thing is, I had a spare phone in storage but I lost all my contacts... eh. No big deal.
My computer's getting slowly older too though, might need to look up some upgrades soon. I got the GPU and PSU units switched out so far, as well the hard drives when oldest ones failed earlier this year, but next ones in list are motherboard and CPU... any recommendations? (I can maybe spare 300-500 at best for 'em)

Also, friend of mine found intact, almost new PS4 from trash one day while ago. With two controllers and extra large hard drive installed on it. Still worked and all that. Who throws such things away?

Edit: Also, I got meself Elder Scrolls Online recently, playing it occasionally.

December plans


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  • Link

    My god, I'd kill for a find like that. You got luckyyyyyy~

    • Link

      More like my friend got lucky. Now he can play his own PS games while his kids play the other PS4 he had already. x3