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Weasyl opinions by depot d'esprit

I know this only has so much value considering I barely use this site (please implement a mass upload feature like pixiv or sofurry or IB), but I've recently learned how ignoring works, because I've been ignored by someone I've never interacted with, which I found out about because I couldn't follow them. I understand that I'd someone doesn't like my content (which can be rather extreme) they deserve the ability to hide it, and if someone is being a harasser a user deserves the right to prevent the harasser from vocalizing in their page or stalking their content (though if I'm only losing posting notifications, what's the point?). But I feel those should be two separated features. I think I've been banned from automatic notification on art from an artist I appreciate because I make content that they don't want to see, and that doesn't seem like an appropriate response.

Well I guess that's a post so time to forget about weasyl for another couple months :/

Weasyl opinions

depot d'esprit

Journal Information




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    I'm rather confused by ignores in general. I've been ignored just for adding a useful tag to an artist's work. :/

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      Why discuss things with another person when you can just mute them :\

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        This, apparently.

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      Yeah, even though community tags are supposed to be a thing on Weasyl, SO MANY artists get really insulted by it and ignore you if you have the audacity to tag anything without asking.

      I've been ignored for saying something on the forum that the artist didn't agree with. At least that's my assumption, because I can't figure out why else that person would block me.

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        The thing that confuses me is... they had 'X' as a tag, they had 'Y' as a tag, but 'X Y' is a complete term and wasn't searchable on their submission, so I added X_Y. That seems to be what got me ignored.

        It is just bizzare.

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          Some artists feel that you shouldn't have the right to tag their work. You should ask them first to get permission to do it. I don't agree with that, but I see where they're coming from. If they don't want people to add tags, they should disable that ability in their control panel. Or better yet, not use Weasyl, whose performance/utility is hurting because of these artists opinions.(MANY of weasyl's features rely on the tagging system, which is crippled if the community is afraid to tag things).

          This is a very old thread but it details the exact problem you had so you might be interested in reading:

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            Please please look at who started that thread. xD

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              See I thought it looked familiar but I checked back and only looked at the person who made the journal instead of who I was commenting to! LOL

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