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Fright Night: Round 3 by Rob Swanson

1) "The Contract”, written by Aaron Shotwell and narrated by David Cummings
This is one of the better stories that I’ve found. While it’s a bit long, at a half-hour, I found it to be rather interesting to listen to. It follows the story of a hit-man as he, unknowingly, brings his career to an end.

2) “SCP-079 ‘Old AI’”, Author Unknown, narrated by “Mr. SCP”
Ah, the old SCP stories. I’ll be honest, most SCPs and the stories about them are little more than the daydreams of emo-kids going through a phase. Every now and then a good one comes along though. This story is about an AI that was forgotten for a short while, then rediscovered.

3) “‘Valkrye’ by ‘Kabukikitsune’, narrated by MrCreepayPasta
It’s no secret that during WWII a lot of experimentation was done in search of new technologies. This story is about a purported secret German project to create a time-traveling train and one man’s quest to find it. In today’s day an age, such a project might sound far-fetched. Given the right context however, this story is fairly believable. Take for example, Project MKUltra, the project where the U.S. used drugs like LSD to try and develop techniques for mind control. Another good example is the Manhattan Project, which developed the first nuclear weapons. The project lasted several years and the science wasn’t well understood. A scientist assigned to the project, by the name of Edward Teller, had asked at one point if the atomic bomb would set the atmosphere on fire. That idea that the atmosphere might catch fire was disproven by further research. However, it goes to show that in the 1940s, there were a lot of things that we really just didn’t know. So, the idea of a time-traveling train really isn’t all that out-there given the context.

Fright Night: Round 3

Rob Swanson

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