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October Horror Stories, Round 2 by Rob Swanson

1) "TRUE Story "The Man that WORKED For CICADA 3301" Anonymous Man's Eerie Story", Written by an anonymous author and narrated by “Fright Knight":
Ever wonder what would happen if someone actually got into a secretive organization and.... well..... got bored with it then started talking about what actually happens during the meetings? This story explores that and looks into what happens when a potentially menacing and secretive group is exposed.

2) "Longfingers and the Children of the Snow" , written by Robert Davis, and narrated by Jesse Cornett:
I think that the narrator summarizes this story best by saying:
"Before he arrived, the village didn't have any police. The reason for his arrival was that a little girl had gone missing. Her footprints went North in a straight line for about 100 steps, then they just ended. Where they ended was even more odd: an open field. This kept happening, until all of the children were gone.”

To be honest, I found that one buried near the bottom of the “Watch Later” list on an old youtube account. I remember having listened to it and decided to re-listen and put it on this list. It’s a bit of a traditional take on a less than traditional monster, which is a rather nice change of pace. Without giving any spoilers, the monster is one that you might know about but probably haven’t seen presented in this way.

3) “The Night Wire”, written by H.F. Arnold, narrated by “Natenator77":
So, as you might not know (but will probably find unsurprising) there are people who collect news information before it’s put in front of the talking heads on the evening news. Equally unsurprising, these people sometimes have to work odd hours, the 24-hour news cycle being what it is. I suppose someone’s gotta be preparing material at 3am if a news anchor’s going to read it at 7am. Anyways, the last unsurprising thing you’ll read here is that some people are really good at their jobs. Some are so good they don’t stop for anything. This is where the surprises start. The kind of results that you get when people, who are really good at what they do, just kind of keep going can be really surprising.

October Horror Stories, Round 2

Rob Swanson

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