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Annnd finally moved. by Larthan

Due to recent bull-snatchery over at FA (namely that, apparently, you can not post images of jewelry in which you did not make every component without having express permission to do so, which is impossible for some people as they are mass manufactured in most cases), I've decided to move over here.

Don't get me wrong - I usually don't make jewelry, so the majority of it doesn't even apply to me. But I'm tired of these new rules popping up all the time about what one can and can not post there. Next thing I know, I'm going to have to get written permission from Wacom to use my tablet to create digital art for commission.

Anyway, enough of that.

I've uploaded some examples of my more recent stuff. I'm going to just leave everything else behind on there instead of pull it. If you wish to see my gallery on FA, my name there is roc_wulf (note: in the url, don't use the underscore, just all one word. Underscores don't seem to work in the urls).

I look forward to seeing new faces around here! :)

Annnd finally moved.


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