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Update 09/08/2016 by The King of Trash

So I figured that it's been a while and I should explain where I went. So I had a bit of a disagreement with my computer: I wanted it to work and it wanted otherwise. So I'm currently without computer and thus a way to draw digitally or get on this website reliably. I've also been super busy job hunting (which has been going SWELL and I love every second of it).
So hopefully this won't take forever and a day to get some money together to get a new computer, but it's probably not going to happen for quite a while, so in the meantime I'll be basically back to lurking for a bit. I hope you've all been doing well and I hope things go well for you. I have some awesome followers and as soon as I can get back to art-ing, I'll def do something nice for all of ya!

Take easy everyone!

Update 09/08/2016

The King of Trash

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