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State of the Shibe: August 2016 by tsunderdog

Hi everyone. It's been a while since i've been active on gallery sites, and now that I've taken a while "off" I feel a little refreshed about art again. I've been trying to do new art at least weekly, even if it's just a sketch every few days.

For several reasons, I'm looking into renting studio space near my home. Part of this is to increase my ability to focus (limiting distractions). Another reason is that we actually do need workspace for DIY stuff you can't really do in an apartment. There are many potential uses for this space as a base of operations, but I'm just going to start it off with illustration and expand later. Like I bet it'd be a good space to experiment with an LED-lit greenhouse and maybe sell plants and start my urban gardening business x3

Anyway, saving for that space has been apparently the motivator I needed to get myself started. I learned that the smallest spaces are about $175 a month, at the size of a small living room, and that fits my current needs. I hope to amass a few months' rent before I finally move on it. So I guess you should expect to see much more activity from me, and if it wasn't clear before, I want to have more awesome things to draw. x3

State of the Shibe: August 2016


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  • Link

    Sounds pretty great! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  • Link

    Looking forward to seeing much more of your art! 💜