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NordicFuzzCon 2017 at the Scandic Infra City Hotel by NordicFuzzCon

NordicFuzzCon 2016 concluded five months ago with fur flowing out the hotel. It may seem a long time to some, a short time to others, but the fact remains: It is never too soon, nor too late, for a new adventure.

Our next adventure starts in a brand new, even bigger hotel! Located just north of downtown Stockholm, and just south of international airport Arlanda, is Scandic Infra City! Our first year has us very excited, bursting at our fursuit seams. Scandic Infra City is filled with water for the aquatic among us, trees and bushes for the birds and herbivores, and escalators for the... predators?

Register on September 17 at 18:00 CEST to find out: Are you a Samurai or Super Kawaii?

For the first time ever, we will be offering a Dying Dog Dinner. This is a premium Asian-themed buffet with light entertainment and socializing, getting you ready for the Dead Dog Party later in the evening. Read more here:
The day before the convention (Wednesday March 8th) we will be arranging a trip to the famous Skansen Zoo and Cultural Heritage museum:
We know how excited furs get about payment providers, so we are happy to say that we will be accepting Swish payments! It's a no-nonsense, easy-to-use payment provider, making registration payment easier than ever. (Note that Swish is only available to attendees with Swedish credit and debit cards.)
We have a pool! Yes, an honest-to-dog, water-filled pool. Bring your swimwear and rubber ducky.
For the second year in a row, we are offering SUPER early arrival, allowing you to arrive two days before the convention officially starts (Tuesday March 7th). Perfect for those that want an extra day to settle in and relax, to sightsee, to meet friends, or to get the cheese party rolling.

Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to ask! Contact information can be found here:

NordicFuzzCon 2017 at the Scandic Infra City Hotel


Journal Information
