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Checking In...Again! by Rezorian

So I'm almost back over here as it should be. Operating system on my PC decided to go full Chernobyl and almost took all my files with it. Blue screens, memory failures, the whole shebang. I had back ups and did a full Windows reinstall, but it was time wasted all the same.

On a related note - Logitech makes some truly awful wireless keyboards and mice. Ever try to work out computer issues with a keyboard that only sends and receives signals when it feels like it? Yeah, not a fun time. I eventually just busted out the old, OLD wired USB one I had hanging around and that cheap thing performed flawlessly. FYI: The first thing Logitech customer support does is blame interference in your home for the keyboard and mouse not working. When that didn't take because, come on man of course it's not that considering how many other wireless items work when I ask them to, the rep decided to blame the computer instead. Bad ports? It didn't have bad ports, they were fine. Corrupted software? Well, you don't ship them with drivers sooooooooooooooo, no. Long story short: Never buy Logitech stuff. I should have just gone with that to begin with when I was looking for a keyboard/mouse combo...

Regardless - I intend to be around more and hopefully get some commissions queued up from peoples if they're open. Work is blah as well and family continues to be family, but I won't bore you all with that again.

Go hug a puppy or something. I don't know - Just be happy for whatever you're currently enjoying for me, alright?

Checking In...Again!


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