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Twitter meme thing by Rowedahelicon

This is copied from a twitter meme thing going around lately. 1 like is supposed to be 1 answer. Given how annoyed I was getting with seeing random tweets all over the place I decided I'd just put it here and let anyone copy the text. And of course, do it myself! :3

1. Your first name?


2. What is your age?


3. Your hobby('s)?

I'm an artist and a programmer as well as an avid movie nerd and lover of video games.

4. Are you religious?


5. One thing you regret doing, ever.

Saying goodbye.

6. Favorite song?

7. What are you currently listening to?

8. Name one weird thing you used to as a kid.

Apparently I used to make up stories a lot because I never wanted to talk about what was on my mind.

9. Your favorite emoji?

10. What's your favorite color?

11. What's your sexual orientation?


12. Do you have a crush on someone or are you in a relationship?

I'm not currently in a relationship, but I have usually have a crush on a small number of people at any given time.

13. How to make you like me?

In a friendly way? Just be polite, share interests with me. In a romantic way? Probably better if you didn't bother with me.

14. Name 3 turn ons

Uhh >w>;;

15. Name your biggest turn off


16. Name one movie you'd recommend to your followers

Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind.

17. What was the best day of your life?

I can't really think of that many that didn't somehow get followed up with something horrible. I would say sometime November 2014?

18. If you won $10,000, what would you do with it?

I would pay off all of my debt, probably invest a large chunk of it in something, definitely go and get myself lunch.

19. Tea or Coffee? (Sugar, milk, or none?)

Tea! And yes, sugar and milk please.

20. How do you imagine your life would be in 10 years?

I would hope I'd maybe be happy at some point, but it's very hard to imagine anything other than sad in some way.

21. If you could redo one day of your life, what would it be?

I don't think I would if I could, as low as things have gone sometimes, it's the most realistic experience I could have. I'd rather just hope they return to somewhere manageable.

22. Favorite game?


23. What do you hate the MOST?

Idiocy >:C

24. What do you like a lot?


25. Toilet paper, facing against the wall or away from the wall?


26. Three things on your wishlist

A stable relationship, a stable source of income, and a new place to live.

27. Name one bad habit of yours?

I often disregard sleep in order to get something done.

28. What's your favorite food?


29. Do you have any pets? (What are their names?)

I have a Toy Poodle named Oscar.

30. Have you ever been suspended from school?


31. Have you ever lied about your age and for what?

I said I was younger than I was once so my mother could get a child's discount at some restaurant.

32. How is your relationship with your parents?

Great. My parents and I are more like best friends than parents. They support what I do in my life and have helped me out in many ways to get there.

33. What's your favorite season of the year?


34. Funniest moment in your life?

The first time I ever got high.

Twitter meme thing


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