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AC 2016: Macro/Micro Meetup Results by Geemo

Here's some thoughts on this year's event:

Over 200 furs showed up this year! That's absolutely amazing. I brought 200 raffle tickets and gave every one of them out as people entered the room. Not everyone wanted to participate, so we were certainly over 200 people. How does that compare to previous years? In 2015, we had about 100 people. In 2014, we had about 70.

In 2014, the Macro/Micro Panel was Sunday morning at 11:00 AM. In 2015, it was Friday 3:00 PM. This year it was Friday at 2:00 PM. I think this year's day/time helped attendance immensely. Let me know if you agree down in the comments.

Room size/location:
This year we were in the Pennsylvania Room, Second Floor of the Westin. It was considerably larger than the previous rooms we had been in and we definitely made use of it all. I will be requesting the same room again in the future. Room size was great and being in the Westin was a huge help. If we keep growing (heh) we may need to ask for a room in the DLCC!

Room layout:
The tables were arranged in a banquet layout when we arrived; round tables with chairs around them and a little space up front for the stage. This wasn't the best setup, but we made due. Maybe a theater/lecture set up would be better next year.

Macro Twister game:
We decided against doing Bingo three years in a row and instead took someone's recommendation to try Macro Twister for 2016. Bullsworth and Raijen led the building crew and made construction paper houses and stacked them up on the Twister game mats. Bluechee created a custom spinner board. There were a few snags: only a few people could participate, the seating wasn't conducive to watching people play, we destroyed the buildings almost immediately, the game mats slid around despite being taped down to the floor, etc. We may do it again next year, but with some tweaks. By all means, if you have some ideas or suggestions, comment here!

Door prizes:
I'll post the whole list of winners later. We tried to solicit prizes and donations from people early on via Twitter and Weasyl and Tumblr, but there weren't many offers. Many more people offered things up at the event itself which was good in that we had things to give away, but bad in that we had trouble keeping track of who and what was up for grabs. The raffle tickets were much easier than bingo cards and more inclusive for attendees. You didn't have to complete a bingo card like previous years to be in the running for a prize.

AC 2016: Macro/Micro Meetup Results


Journal Information



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    Update: 2015 was 3 PM on Friday, not Sunday at 11 AM.

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    Thank you again for putting all this together. I will never miss the macro panel for as long as it continues to be held, because there's no better way to meet and connect with fellow macro/growth fans at a con.

    I agree with your conclusion that the day and time contributed a lot to the increased turnout. And as we're liable to keep growing (heh again) as the con does, we'll need a room at least the size of the Pennsylvania in the future.