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Opening commission slots soon by cheshirecatsmile37

Unfortunately I’m going to have to open more commission slots
I was hoping my husband would cover my part of the cottage too so I can pay for the mortgage, but that doesn’t get to happen

I absolutely hate taking on more commissions
I’ve kept a lot of you waiting for so long already, the last thing I wanted to do was add to the list
Being an adult with responsibilities and bills to pay sucks ass wtf

I’m also going to go back to my old process of completely finishing a commission before moving onto the next
The whole “sketch out batches at a time then finish them one by one” thing was working for a while, but I have too many commissions in my queue for that to really work out for me anymore
So I’m going to finish up the commissions I have sketched out in my queue before sketching out the rest in line
I’ll be posting things more consistently again soon!
I already have a good portion of this commission lined, so hopefully I can get these sketched commissions finished by my vacation at the very least

So anyway
Enough whining
I’ll be opening slots in a very soon…probably by Friday because I need to ensure the money gets into our account by July 1
I have no idea how many commissions I’ll take on. As usual, I’d like to stick around 5 though it all depends on what people are interested in getting

Opening commission slots soon


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