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Questions About Doing Commissions by ellasaro

I've pondered it before in the past, but I would definitely like to start getting myself into doing commission artwork for people. And I mean, super serious about it this time. Obviously, since I'd be new at it, I'd definitely start off small, and cheap. But I'd like to try to get myself out there, and see how this whole making-stuff-for-money thing works. Haha.

Yeah, I'm that crappy at being an entrepreneur.

So my question is: any of your artists out there who have done commissions already...did you just dive into it, and put out prices when you opened up slots? Did you already have guidelines on what you would and would not draw? Or was it simply something that started off lightly for you, and a few friends or close followers decided, "Hey! That's awesome! Could you do ___ for me?! I'll pay you!"

Please, anyone reading this who has had experience in creating commissions, let me hear your input! I could really use all the info I can before just acting a fool.

Thank you!

Questions About Doing Commissions


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    Well as someone who does commissions a lot for a few years now, i can give you some advice.

    First you should write your guidelines on what you would do and won't do. If possible, explain your workflow, and write a policy on corrections, payments and refunds. Basically create your own terms of service.

    Estimate prices of your commissions (maybe check out pricing of other artists) and just name your prices, if people are interested they will hire you. If you are just starting out i suggest not to go overboard with the prices. The first batch of commissions is kinda like your portfolio where you can show that you can get the job done, and respond to the commissioners request and description accordingly.

    Keep a polite and open communication with your commissioner. A happy commissioner can go a long way, and with a pleasant experience, they will most surely have you in mind for their future ideas.

    Hope that helps.

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    That's all I really think I needed to hear. Some of it common sense, and a little bit of it just the particular order in which things should be done. Thank you! :3