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ADD + Anxiety? by Vet

I've developed a negative physiological response whenever I'm about to work or draw to the point where I either loose a lot of energy when I start working, or my anxiety spikes in an unhealthy manner which deters me from even starting, and so I put it off in order to ease myself with something else.

Because of this, I have made little progress with my personal film and even though I have a base portfolio and resume, there's an absence of motivation to draw or improve it. It gets more difficult as time goes. I am missing assignments or classes now because I feel ashamed of coming in without a body of work or updates to present my teachers. The load accumulates and I don't know how to approach it anymore individually, or get it out of my mind when I start working on a particular thing or even when I am trying to relax at times.

It's strange, because I still deep down have the desire to do work. I've worked on two music videos and am developing an independent game with a programmer online within a span of a year. But every time I have started work on those projects, I have to go through an enormous anxiety hurdle and grind to get the steam engines rolling.

I'm not sad, depressed, or anything like that as I've concluded. This past year I feel like I have matured a great deal while I was away and I am confident about my self esteem! But, this has progressed over the past two years, snowballing to a point where I realize it's going to do some serious harm in my profession and may jeopardize my school credits if I don't get help.

At this point I've started trying to draw anything at all and relearn how to get back into the pace of things, even though most of my peers are in the crux of things in their film production and portfolio. I understand even if I don't submit a film on time or an unfinished product, I will be better off fixing this problem for good than to push myself into a break down.

Overall I'm doing fine. I've had many wonderful moments this year! I still draw even though there's a personal wall that has been growing for the past couple of years where I myself discourage posting my own art to you guys, or producing new content on this page. I'm not sad, nor do I feel worthless, but I lack the will to do anything. I've lost my vitality to be productive.

I'm suspecting I could have Attention Deficit Disorder or something within that realm. I think if I were to seek a school counselor or a professional therapist I could overcome this personal dilemma. It's scary to admit to you guys that I have something like this inhibiting me, or to throw what I feel like is vulnerable information only to turn out that I'm just a lazy bum all along.

So what are your thoughts on the matter? What would you recommend me doing to get out of this state of mind?

I'm treating my work life right now as a "New Game +" of sorts. I'm relearning everything from Level 1, but the previous knowledge and stat buffs have carried through. I really want to get out of this! I'm trying to eat less sugar in my diet, drink more water, and am just starting to enforce a better sleeping schedule to see if this will change my outcomes.

Question Time:

  • How are you doing lately?

  • If you have difficulty finding the will power to work, what are some anchors the help you push yourself that extra day to continue?

  • If you have a huge backlog of things to do, how do you approach it while moving forward?

  • Who do you talk to, or what are some activities you do that help you feel rejuvenated for work?

Thank you guys for all the wonderful comments, responses and support regardless of how I've been acting. So far I've been a wall of text, and it really means so much to me that I'm still getting support all these years!

ADD + Anxiety?


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    I had the same thing in college. Unfortunately the only way to really overcome it is just 'do the work'. No amount of trying to find shortcuts or easy motivation is going to cut through, in my experience, and may in fact dig you deeper. Found that out the hard way after getting slammed one semester.

    One thing that will help is to have a friend over and tell him or her what you need to get done. Be honest as to your work goal and why they're there. This is all very dependent on the type of friends you have, of course ('c'mon bro, you work too much and we need a player 4!'), but having someone that you don't want to let down or become disappointed in you is fantastic motivation.

    Also, a robust, consistent nap schedule can work wonders

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      Ultimately I feel like "just doing it" may be one optimal solution. To have my body act before my mind gets to heady about anything. You're right in many ways, sometimes you just have to go through the grind.

      I'll try giving it a shot. I suspect though, my issues may be something deeper. But it could also not be. I really appreciate your advice man, it makes total sense and I really thank you for committing the time to help me out.

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    Find people to do it with. You need a productive environment. Productive, friendly people you like arting around.

    You're not a lazy bum, silly.

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      I definitely agree. I think putting myself in a healthy environment will only motivate me instead of cripple me to do the work. My head is playing mind games lately and I want to slap it around and tell it whose boss. If I were able to come visit you again, I would definitely be drawing a lot more often with you and friends.

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    I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 13 years old and have been fighting with it all my life. To have ADD is the need to rely on other people to help you and help motivate you. I also have ADHD (Which is a chemical imbalance vs ADD which is a Mental disorder) and I have OCPD/OCD and I have a high chance of having Kanners Autism that was misdiagnosed as Chronic Depression since I was Six years old. There is no "Cure" for ADD. I would recommend you go get tested. It's a bunch of tests, math questions, spot the difference, what's wrong with this image, etc.

    I actually found this VERY helpful and useful.

    If you want to talk or need more info with ADD, and how it messes you up, and how it's misdiagnosed as ADHD or other things, let me know. ADD is not something that goes away. ADD IS a form of Autism and people are born with it. Most people can work WITH their ADD to their benefit. But it usually doesn't start showing up as a problem until grade five and six when math, and growing up, being on your own, starts becoming a reality. You find you rely on other people to motivate you. I get anxiety when I go outside alone. I have full on panic attacks that feed my asthma attacks. I need other people to motivate me and help me and I cannot help but need to rely on others otherwise I am a mess. There are over TWO THOUSAND types of ADD. And yes, you can have both at the same time like I do. They are cousins, not the same disorder. So beware if you go get tested you're being tested for the right thing. I was first tested for ADHD and they didn't see it at first and found it was severe ADD. When I was 22 I found out I have ADHD which actually helps me. It helps me be happy. It helps motivate me sometimes. But I also have the need to do things. Lots of things. I crochet, make fursuit parts, draw, write, I watch movies and draw and crochet all at the same time. I have to do things constantly, but doing things that need to get done have to come with motivation, encouragement, and help from others. For instance, I know the dishes need to get done, and I can't get the motivation to do them. My mate starts to do them and I autopilot to help him right away. It doesn't come about me anymore. It becomes about helping him. Not about the chore, but about helping someone else, being motivated to do it.

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      Thank you so much for giving such thorough input. It's been very hard for me to start writing back replies to comments, but now that you've gotten me started, I think I might be able to pull through with it. I feel very similarly as you do with motivating one self with the help of another. I have the hardest time starting something, but when I get around to doing it, I don't stop until its done. I'm mentally temperamental with how to get start working in a healthy way right now.

      As a kid, I grew up with Asperger's Syndrome, and had severe social issues in elementary school. I was an easy target because of it, but it seems through those early hardships, I forced myself to practice to get better with the constant support of my mom especially and family. My ticks are virtually unnoticeable unless I choose them to be, and it feels good that I can fix my own problems to many degrees without sticking out like a sore thumb. It seems that every year I am continuing to grow and find out new things about myself to improve. I have a hard time getting out of my comfort zone, but I'm glad that I am somewhat aware of my behavior.

      The more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me the idea that my Asperger's could be contributing to my head lock and willingness to do virtually nothing every day. I am also suspicious if my lack of vitality and constant state of fatigue may have to do with depression. My mother and younger brother have been diagnosed with it, so I would not be surprised if this was also a contributing factor.

      But I truly do not know a definite answer for this. I'm going to talk to a school counselor tomorrow and see what I can do to help myself and see what necessary actions I will need to take to carry on with the future. I am most frightened about telling my parents because they have such high expectations of me, so telling them the truth may lead them to take privileges away as a consequence for letting them know what's going on. Other than that, I have very little to fear out of myself. I want to get better. I think. I hope my mind isn't playing games on me.