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Furry Network Account and Everywhere Else to Find Me! by Ikodo Moonstrife

For any out there that still happen to be watching, I just want to let you all know the many places you can find me, just in case if any one of these places happen to bite the dust. I'll still likely be updating all of these places when I can, but the places I update first will likely be Tumblr, Weasyl, Furry Network. and maybe FA.

For starters I just made a new account on Furry Network:
Ikodo's Furry Netowrk

I also have lots of other accounts, some updated more frequently than others!
Ikodo's FA
Ikodo's Tumlbr
Ikodo's Soundcloud
Ikodo's Bandcamp
Ikodo's Youtube
Ikodo's Deviantart

I also have accounts on SoFurry, Inkbunny,, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and probably a few other places I don't remember, but those will likely very rarely or never get updated!

Anyone, I hope all you fuzzies out there are doing well!

Furry Network Account and Everywhere Else to Find Me!

Ikodo Moonstrife

Journal Information



  • Link

    I'm already following you in all those place. At least the ones I have an account in :P

    Nice to see you back here =3

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      Excellent! I've been trying to get more back into music and art lately, so hopefully I'll have some new posts soon!

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        I hope so. I took a huge break myself to study and progress before coming back. You can see that on my last submission ;-)

        I hope you did that as well =3

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          I unfortunately have not been studying and progressing in music and art during my break, I've just been getting distracted a career change and also video games :P

          That being said, for me sometimes simply taking a break from something allows me to come back to it with renewed passion, so I'm hoping that's what will happen.

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            I definitely can't wait for your new musics. May the passion drive your inspiration =3