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IMPORTANT! by Loki.Metal

Thank you for clicking to read this, even though most of the time Journals tend to be looked over. U///U

The short version: I'm being blocked from various websites including Tumblr and DeviantArt. I will be using FurAffinity and Weasyl for now, at least until they get blocked or I find another way around this.

Slightly Longer Version:

The internet I was using (a public connection nearby) has started to block things. I can no longer access DeviantArt and InkBunny at all. Nor can I use Tumblr, Facebook or Neopets. F-List is out of the question.

I CAN access FurAffinity and Weasyl though. So for now, those will be my two main art sites to use. HOWEVER I owe someone on DA a commission and I cannot get to them. I will try to get someone to pass it on to them (I have a screenshot with their username, thank all).

Whoo-effing-pee. I'm being restricted access like I'm a damn prisoner haha. THOUGH I guess I can't complain that much because free internet, sure. :I

I dunno, I'm just kinda bummed out.



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  • Link

    I can rely the message to DeviantArt for you if you want that

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      Thanks. OuO I think someone allready did, but the username is VexinFox. U_U Haha everything sucks XD

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        Sent a message :3

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    What about skype? and sorry to hear that.

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      I can still Skype, it seems to be unaffected, except being slower than usual.