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Also Uploading to Furry Network Too! by Gailrin

With Furry Network's recent change to their policy I now feel more comfortable uploading artwork to their website! I'll be cross uploading artwork to there as well for anyone interested, but I have no intention of abandoning my Weasyl account.

For those unaware of the controversy regarding Furry Network, this is their update post on the policy changes.

Furry Network Blog

And as for my FN account.
Gailrins Furry Network Profile

Also more artwork coming soon, I'm incredibly slow, sorry guys. ^.^;;; It's Doom FanART though!

Also Uploading to Furry Network Too!


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    I glanced around at Furry Network but with Weasyl and Furaffinity already on my plate I wasn't sure if I wanted to invest time into getting an account together there. I didn't care for what I saw of the UI. Furiffic had also turned out to be a disappointment on my end. Weasyl will always be my favorite and with the recent migration attempt, I've started to put more effort into commenting and such to get more people to take root here.

    Also how is Doom? I saw a few videos from TotalBiscut on it and it looked really good and the things I heard were rather positive. Aside from the silly "not releasing review copies before launch day" debacle.

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      Personally I'm a fan of Weasyl's UI myself over FurryNetwork, but I've been told this place doesn't have as much of a userbase which is quite sad since I heavily prefer this website over FA.

      And it's pretty good, I wouldn't get it for the multiplayer or anything, but the singleplayer campaign is the right amount of silly and gore. Not to mention all the little nostalgia bits sprinkled throughout the game. Havent really messed around with the map maker tool stuff yet, but it looks like from what Ive seen so far that there is a lot too it. I saw someone even made a harvest moon minigame with the map editor.