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Expresss yourself! =D by Sapphirus

I always believed in expressing yourself, even if it possibly offends others. Since no matter how you explain it sweet, or blunt, someone is always gonna get offended of what your views and opinions are (Mainly online). If you keep your feelings in against something that's not right going on, it'll never get opposed against. On the net I feel like I can freely express more better about my likes and dislikes, concerns and such without someone possibly wanting to choke me. (Atleast right away since I don't know the ppl who hate my opinions irl closely LOL). Ppl will tell you to shut up and keep it to yourself, that's the issue, bottling up your thoughts and concerns to the point you'll go crazy and have a mental breakdown. Some idiot on FA noted me a week ago, attacking my opinions about Pedophilia, encouraging it, while attacking my religion, saying it's a huge a huge majority behind it all (Christianity), im pretty sure non Christians are found criminally into those situations too. Though Pastors at churches cliche became a popular target, so Christians get the crap in the end of that.
(The saying what you want part. does not go towards the artist world because be an ass about someone's skills/level is shitty, dont trash ppls work or criticize them unless they want blunt opinions. It's a struggle to become a good artist/creative, we all start weak first to become stronger, and better. I have a struggle with backgrounds and more advanced perspectives, it's just hard for me, reason you see me drawing simple poses and art all the time, hands and feet. It's a thing I had issues with since I started drawing.)
IRL self, compared to Online self, im actually less social and keep a lot of stuff to myself and stay to myself more, being the crappiest conversation starter ever, unless someone was actually concerned about my thoughts on something or bring up something I can relate to or if something major bugged me, i'd talk to a family member about it than a friend or stranger. I usually just go with the flow of things unless it's something that really offends/endangers me. I don't even like talking on the phone, not that I have issues with the person, im just not really talkative on them, which is why I always keep prepaid cellphones. But messaging to ppl online is much more fun for some reason.

(But yes, I enjoy my overly dramatic, ranting nature, because venting online so others can read is what makes me feel better compared to writing it in a journal, and talking to ppl directly about it all the time. It's a good feeling, and no, I will not yell in a pillow, that wont work for me. D=< )


Sincerely, The threat of all websites for complaining about dumb stuff, and things they'll possible get a group of ppl offended because im not part of the trend of "everyone is into it" situation. ~Sapphy!

Expresss yourself! =D


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