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sorcery wow by 001zlnv

I've been replaying darksouls since my computer is a bit too under powered for new stuff. My previous run through I did pyromancer with a club. It was fun, and I had a huge amount of trouble with ornstein and smough. This time sorcerer + rapier of velka.

WOW I did this the dumbest way possible the first time! This go through has just been a leisurely stroll through the undead as magical death lasers take out everything before it gets into stab range. O&S just got rocked with great soul arrows and homing soul mass. The hardest "boss" so far has been that ledge in anor londo with the archer sitting on it. I died more times to gravity than to boss battles.

Anyway. Seeing as I'm less desperate this time I've left Gwyndolin, fake Gwynavere, and Priscilla alive this time.

sorcery wow


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    i've only seen let's plays(cuz I'm a wuss) and from what I've seen, practically ANY magic type build does not "pan out"...That might be on the game debs though; as long as someone got a laugh out of it I guess 👌

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      I think I've found the problem with my plan... The fire sage can't be fought at range and I have no hit points... hmmm... well guess I'll just need to poke him to death with velka's toothpick.

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        Hooray for brute force tactics :D