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Update With A LOT Going On by WoofieBrisbane

I do not plan to be delayed much longer folks.

Lately my computer has been acting up and causing it to stall out every day now.
We just updated all the hardware and software but something about it is causing it to just seize up out of nowhere. We have checked everything out and are not sure what seems to be causing it.
Could it be faulty hardware, or software? Could it be just my luck?
We still don't know.

It seemed to be running fine before we installed the SSD. I was able to run WoW, SL, web-surf while listening to iTunes, and doing art.
But now I can't do so much. Especially the web surfing thing.
If I open too many tabs while in a program it will just stop working.

As this is a minor issue for the time being it has prevented me from trusting my computer during times of artistic inspiration. I just don't wanna get invested in art and then have it stall out and not be able to save my progress. And since I can't pinpoint when it will happen exactly, it makes working on things a little more scary and difficult.

This wed my wife will be home so she is gonna check out all the options and let me know what she finds out since she knows these things better then I do.
Perhaps it's just a matter of getting a new SSD or perhaps my video card is faulty. She is smart so I am sure she will figure it out.
But for now I am just using my cintique hybrid to sketch some work.

Perhaps I will share that soon. :)

On A More Personal Note - Read On If You Want:
Other random things in my life at the same time have been kinda having me in and out of panic attacks.
I had found myself taking a trip to the EmergencyCare for vomiting and urinating blood, the DR described it as something like an Ulcer but NOT one. Since it was not a lot of blood and it eventually stopped, it was nothing to be scared of or worked up about. Just a matter of too much stress and anxiety destroyed my stomach for a few days so I am on meds for the next 40 days an should be A-OK after.

Just a few days ago I lost a dear friend and coworker. He passed due to complications with his heart valve. This kid had a hard life losing his 2 brothers, and mother over the 7 years I worked with him. He was young and had a mental disability. But he was always friendly and polite. I will miss him asking me how I am and how my wife is all the time. He generally cared for everything and everyone he met. Some part of me is happy he isn't in pain or stress anymore and gets to be with his family now. But it sure is kinda sad knowing I won't see him again.

We got approved for our new apartment and plan on moving in mid June. YAYYY
This couldn't come soon enough as our current apartment raised their rent on us and we felt the price jump (almost 100 more) wasn't justified at all. Since their maintenance has been shitty and things which needs to get done can take up to a month to be fixed. Including a leaking ceiling in our bathroom. Which was fixed but a month later started leaking again in the same spot. Makes me wonder what they actually fixed. Also they have one air conditioner which barely works in the hot Utah summers. And that's just the tip of it all. But I will spare you.

The new one provides us with central air and heating, pool, fitness, a balcony for people watching. A nice landscape which give us with a walking trail and a dog park. Which will come in handy if we plan to get a dog in a few months to a year.
It is walking distance from mass transit and a hospital, police and post office.
Soon I plan to find a new job closer to my new location.

So yeah a lot LOT going on but things are looking way better as the months pass. I am glad to have you all in my life and sticking it out with me. If you read this far THANK you for suffering through my HUGE journal entry. I do appreciate friends, watchers, and fans like you even more then I can express. You all keep me arting and actually showing it off.

Love you all.

Update With A LOT Going On


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