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Priorities (Or Lack Thereof) by Rezorian

AKA the "Holy Hell, You're An Idiot!" Journal

So, my surgery wounds are healing, the weather is getting warmer and my bills are being dealt with as best I can manage. Things are moving, ever so slowly, on an upward tick. That's obviously a good thing so no complaints there. This journal is more of a sign that, even as I creep ever closer to my mid-thirties, I still have no earthly idea how to manage priorities. Let me tell you a tale...

Ever since I became aware of what they were, supercars/exotics have always held a special place in my heart. They are an indicator of either insane wealth, being out of touch with the rest of the world, or often both. One tends to look at them as if they were a fantasy; the automotive equivalent of a unicorn. They go by many names of course: Ferrari, Lamborghini, Pagani and countless others, but the effect is the same...they are not mere vehicles for getting from here to there. More often than not, they are trophies to be held above the rest of the world.

So imagine my surprise to notice articles speaking of one such car being "affordable." The brand is McLaren, the car in question is the 12C. It's quick but being phased out, classy yet somehow no longer as refined. To be blunt: It's old and not getting any younger.

Now, as I mentioned before, I have bills stacking up all the time. Mostly newly "acquired" hospital bills, but they mingle with a few others as well just to keep me on my toes. Considering that and the laundry list of things I wanted to do with my life such as learning to draw, buying a motorcycle and many other dreams, what did I choose to do? Why, spend hours trying to work out how to buy a McLaren of course! Because I am a fucking idiot! What color should I go for, how much is maintainence on them each year, what about insurance rates? That kind of stuff. Pointless. Focus Sapping Stuff.

One day I'm sure my mind will slow the Hell down and take things one at a time. Today was obviously not that day. In my defense, the surgery hasn't exactly helped me to relax much and my mind is spiraling all over the damn place, but, in the defense of literally any other thought, what the Hell was I thinking? A McLaren? I can't even keep the bank off my back for a Dodge for fuck's sake.

Regardless, I thought the random thoughts might give someone a chuckle so, you know, laugh at my pain or whatevers! I'm just happy to be back on here joking around like a sucker. Good times.

P.S. Supercars are cool. Just sayin'

Priorities (Or Lack Thereof)


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