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Sorry guys. Working on getting better. by FrostyBeep

Got my social security card in the mail today. I can finally get to living in St. Paul. Yay! That's feelin' pretty good. I'm also finally starting to get over the little internal crisis that happened earlier this week. I think whatever was going on in my head has now spread to my stomach, since I haven't managed to keep any food down in over 48 hours. That doesn't feel too good. At least I have some extra weight I was wanting to get rid of. I'm kind of worried about any possible health effects, but I'm doing fine for now.

My brain is kinda messed up right now. I can't concentrate for very long and I'm making dumb decisions. I'm forgetting simple stuff and I'm finding it hard to put words in my mouth. I don't know it's the stomach problem messing with my head or something more serious, but it's worrying. I'm going to wait maybe a few more days before going in to see the doctor. If it goes away on its own and I'm back to having optimistic thoughts, then I guess everything's gonna be fine.

Once everything's over and done, I'll be saving and deleting those other journals. It's probably not great to have such whiny things up for the world to see. Even though I meant for this to be a diary-type thing, I think it's best if I don't keep my biggest in-the-moment insecure thoughts public for too long. Sorry to everyone that I've pissed off with my complaining, and a big sorry to one specific friend for reacting so poorly to good news. There is no excuse for the way I've been acting and I'm sorry for whatever inconvenience I've caused you.

I love all of you, no matter why you're here. You're special to me.

Sorry guys. Working on getting better.


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