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Drawing is not an ability I have, have had, or likely will ever have by FrostyBeep

Hey, back with something less mopey. I don't want to annoy you guys with myself crying about myself. Here's some fun.

If you know me, you know I'm terrible at art. I'll spend thirty minutes throwing something like this together and it'll pretty much be the extent of my artistic ability. While people can poop out the greatest things ever before your eyes, I struggle at making anything look decent. I can throw together "music" and I can write a little bit, but my drawings look worse than those of a five year old.

I've had people try to help me learn how to draw. Had a girlfriend a long while ago who even sat down with me and tried teaching me how to do stuff. I've had a friend on draw while I tried drawing along with her. I've seen all those "how to draw X" things that start with circles and I can't do it. I've tried. I just can't.

I took a class in high school where I had to create a quick movie in Flash from scratch (screenshot). It looks terrible, to say the least. It fit the criteria for the final (making something from scratch) and it looks decent enough that I got a fairly good grade and all my friends in the class thought it was great, but it still remains visually terrible. The art style kind of matches with the video, since the head is spinning around on the body while the body is spinning, but in any case that isn't me just messing around, it doesn't work and looks like crap.

My art skills are worse than those of most grade schoolers, yet I still make stuff. I don't know why. At least I've learned not to show anyone most of the things I make. Maybe if I get better at furry stuff, or if I finally finish this thing I'm doing of my squirrel, I'll post it here. I hope I make something worthy of sitting next to Edgar's picture for me. I'd be pretty proud of myself.


Drawing is not an ability I have, have had, or likely will ever have


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  • Link The actual flash in question. It's terrible. I can't believe I spent so much time on it for it to end up as crappy as this.

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      Fun facts:
      ♦ I took way too long on this.
      ♦ I originally had planned for the hat too look closer to Mario's hat, but I couldn't figure out how to make the bill look right. I opted to make it just a yarmulke instead.
      ♦ The poison mushrooms in Mario's pocket were originally intended to show when you had the mouse button pressed on the replay mushroom at the end.
      ♦ There are two quickly flashed messages in this flash. One shows a demonic Mario and the other is a plea for higher grades.
      ♦ The goomba having its tongue out and looking goofy was an idea from one of the guys I sat near in the class.
      ♦ The bushes and clouds are actually from the same illustrator file. One is white and the other is green.
      ♦ Mario's mouth is there because the file would look weird without it.
      ♦ None of these facts are fun or interesting.

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    Art is an applied skill so to get better at it you have to put in a lot of hours.
    Some people start off a little further along than other people because they might have a better understanding of spatial awareness and then they decided they liked to draw and did it every day for several hours since they were three. They have more mileage on their arm and so more experience.

    You should definitely be proud of anything you put time and effort into. :)
    It's part of that mileage. Every good drawing takes a hundred bad ones. Keep drawing, especially if it makes you happy to do it :D

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      I don't think it's something even possible for me. I've tried many times to get better at art stuff. I've spent so much time on things and nothing ever turns out right. I don't think my brain connects to my hands properly.

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        Some people just have a bigger took kit to start from.
        And honestly most classes are pretty... bad, focusing on how to draw X instead of building skills.

        That part about your brain not connecting to your hand is exactly what it is. You actually need muscle memory to draw, and you only get muscle memory from working. Also importantly, art is kind of a journey and you never really plateau into "I'm Good Now." You just sort of... keep rising.
        You definitely don't have to work at getting better however if that's not what you want out of it. I like to err on the side of hobby-arting is a valid thing that people should do so long as it makes them happy~