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AMD or Intel... by ClockworkWolf

Hello, all!

The title says a lot about what I'm wanting to know about. For about the past year I've been planning on building a proper desktop because my laptop isn't quite doing it anymore. It still runs but can't handle most newer games or large canvases, so I think it's time to fork over the money for the upgrade. I have most of the parts picked out but am stuck on the CPU. Right now I have a few in mind: The Intel i7-4770K, i7-4790k and the AMD FX-8350. What this really comes down to is that the AMD has a lower effective speed compared to the 4790K but I'm not sure if I can justify the $200 difference in price. I also believe that I've trimmed as much fat as I could without sacrificing too much performance but could be completely wrong about this. I don't game much but would like to be able to run some of the newer ones at descent quality and I really want to be able to make larger images (though I think that is more of a RAM and GPU issue).

What I have:
AMD build:
Intel build:

What do you have? How does it run? Any regrets? Does it have at least 3.5 GHz and 8 threads? How much did it hurt your wallet? Any comments on the overall build or alternatives are also very welcome. If all goes well I may be posting my next picture from my sexy new desktop.


AMD or Intel...


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    I haven't done a build since 2011, so I don't know much a bout current hardware. The machine I built back then had 6 Cores and 12 threads, at 3.20 GHz. I don't quite remember how much it cost then, but it was pretty high-end. At the time, Intel was kicking the crap out of AMD in both price and performance, but I suspect AMD's come back in price point with a new architecture by now. I take it you want it to handle "large canvases and newer games". I think both of these can probably be done with either of these fairly well. But, gaming is going to depend a lot on you video card, too.

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      I'm guessing that you got the Intel based on the core/thread count. It still sounds like it's a nice CPU. Intel is still winning in terms of power but AMD usually has the budget market and that was the problem I was facing. AMD's new architecture is coming out in about a year and might change that though. My GPU should be able to handle most things and either CPU would indeed do well but there is this need for as much power as possible. The build has actually been updated with some help into something more powerful tha the 8350 while remaining relatively cheap: