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The Productivity Machine Has Activated by Flareon13

A while back, I think it was last October, a friend of mine, Maaiwile, threatened me with bodily injury if I didn't draw something that day. She may not have been able to follow through, but for all I knew she MIGHT have been able to, so I decided to play it safe and do as she asked. I had a few ideas in mind for how to approach drawing in general at the time, and found it to be more fun than the brute-force methods I had been using before, and this allowed me to get into the habit of drawing every day with minimal frustration, which was often the reason for past drawing sprees to get cut short.

After a while, I had realized that my art needed further refinement than the methods I had been using would allow, and so I started working on other ways of going about drawing. I'm still learning a lot of stuff, and I've made a lot of improvement in the past 6 or so months, IMO anyways, but I've got a long ways to go. I'm gonna try to post the stuff I've made during the past 6 months here soon, and decided to start off with the most recent pic, which I just finished earlier today. So yeah, that should be cool, I hope :Vc

The Productivity Machine Has Activated


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