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Writing on Hold by Kura

(will not effect this account immediately, as my weasyl account is still new and I still have a lot of things up upload here, but will once I'm caught up on my uploading)

It makes me sad to announce this, but I will not be working on my writing my novels. It's something I personally don't want to do, but the stress from my current living situation (my poor health, doctors visits, changes in meds, my Oma dealing with her cancer and my mom leaving to go be with and take care of her -she is the one that helped me with my medical complications and aid me in concerns to my limited mobility, so it's actually unbelievably stressful for me not having her here- along with the general stress of everyday life) is really effecting me to the point where I can't write anymore. I've tried to write often, but when I do I just end up staring at my document/paper unable to do anything, even if I know what I want to write. It has gotten to the point where trying to write and not being able to do it was getting frustrating for me and causing even more stress for me, which in turn effects my health, as lupus does not do well with stress. When working on my latest chapter of Raven Wolf, it felt more like I was forcing myself to work on my own writing which I usually love doing, and had a hard time enjoying do it. At that point I knew that something needed to change, cause I have never before not enjoyed writing my own stories.

So after much thinking it over I decided that I would stop writing for now. It won't be permanent don't worry, it'll just be until my living situation gets better for me, and the high stress levels go down as right now juggling everything in my life along with the added drama from the family (which just seems to be increasing by the day) is just getting too much for me especially when it comes to a creative level.

For now I will focus more on my drawing, which is still difficult to do with the stress but not as hard for me to focus on as much as writing is. I don't want to put both things on hold I feel that working on nothing creative will just make my mood and situation even worse, (seems like a bad idea to have no creative outlet I guess), but trying to work on both drawing and writing is just too hard for me to juggle right now. I'm sorry it has come to this and I had to make this decision, but I thought it over a lot and think this is the best option for me at this time.

So I guess this will be good news for fans of my comics and drawings, as I'll be focusing more on those so expect to see more of that. Unfortunately it's bad news for those of you who are following my novel chapters =( and new chapters will be very few and far between, and that's if I'm lucky enough to get any done at all.

So yeah, with that said, expect to see more comic pages and art from me in the future, but aside from the next chapter (which is finished but is currently being edited by my friend to help cut down on spelling and grammar mistakes) more novel chapters will not be coming until my situation changes for the better. I don't know how long this will be for... that all depends on how things turn out.

Writing on Hold


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