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Fallen Behind on Requests... Blegh. by Moved Accounts...

Well, the title's pretty self-explanatory.

I've always loved being open to requests from others on this site - getting to know the community a little better, experimenting with work I would never approach on my own, getting inspiration when I'm feeling down... but, blegh. I've been so busy with other work in the past month that the last few requests I've received have not been... well, highly prioritized. I'm still working on my outstanding requests when I can, and I mostly just wanted to write a journal entry to assure this.

That being said, here's who I still owe delivery on a request:


As these three are the only requests I've received in about a month, I'm leaving the form open until I actually start to become overwhelmed with requests. Feel free to find the link to the form on my profile if you're itchin' to pack my loopy schedule a bit more.

Getting back to work now...

Fallen Behind on Requests... Blegh.

Moved Accounts...

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    Hey hey, this isnt a war. You know when all in end your time and talents will be the roses those people would be grateful to see. Im almost 2 years Behind on the game models I owe my friends. But I did them as gift and software isnt easy to buy, but the time you have to do these should be your blessing.

    Don't make me request so much from you that you have to shut down these journals now, tak?
    Keep it real Mayo amigo <3

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      I appreciate to hear that. I just wanted to put it out that I haven't totally forgotten about the ones I have left to do.